Samsung will launch the first smartphone based on the platform Bada, who will be capacitive touchscreen phone "Super AMOLED" with the type GT-S8500 Wave. Super Technology-AMOLED (Active-Matrix Organic Light-emitting diode) technology provides better brightness than the traditional AMOLED display, and provide a better display in the sun, according to Samsung. Screen Samsung GT-S8500 Wave size and resolution 3.3-inch 480 x 800 pixels.
Samsung GT-S8500 Wave vide also support recording 720p, 5 megapixel camera with LED flash, and A-GPS (Assisted-GPS). In addition, this phone can also be used to access the web using HSDPA with 3.6Mbps speed or Wi-Fi 802.11n. Access Bluetooth 3.0 connection also exists in the mobile phone Samsung GT-S8500 Wave. User interface Samsung GT-S8500 Wave TouchWiz of 3.0, which allow a user to customize the home screen a number of different and with different widgets. Users also can use a finger right to call and left finger to send the message. In addition, there is also support the integration of Twitter and Facebook on their phone book.
In the Samsung GT-S8500 Wave also support 1GHz processor, which is independently developed by Samsung that is Bada, and clad in aluminum in its body parts that have 10.9 millimeters thick. Mobile Samsung GT-S8500 Wave will go on sale in April and Europe, and sold in May.
Samsung GT-S8500 Wave vide also support recording 720p, 5 megapixel camera with LED flash, and A-GPS (Assisted-GPS). In addition, this phone can also be used to access the web using HSDPA with 3.6Mbps speed or Wi-Fi 802.11n. Access Bluetooth 3.0 connection also exists in the mobile phone Samsung GT-S8500 Wave. User interface Samsung GT-S8500 Wave TouchWiz of 3.0, which allow a user to customize the home screen a number of different and with different widgets. Users also can use a finger right to call and left finger to send the message. In addition, there is also support the integration of Twitter and Facebook on their phone book.
In the Samsung GT-S8500 Wave also support 1GHz processor, which is independently developed by Samsung that is Bada, and clad in aluminum in its body parts that have 10.9 millimeters thick. Mobile Samsung GT-S8500 Wave will go on sale in April and Europe, and sold in May.
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