Wednesday, December 2, 2009

India Block 20 Million Mobile from China

mobile, india, imei, block, gadgetThe Indian government blocked the connection 20 million units of mobile phone (cell phone) for security reasons, Tuesday, December 1, 2009. Most of the phone was made in China.

The Indian government says, mobile phones are not equipped with the International Mobile Equipment Identification (IMEI), the 15-digit number that serves to track the call. As quoted from the page of the Voice of America, the Indian intelligence agencies have warned that militants could use the phones that can not be traced it to launch terror attacks.

Government actions performed yesterday at the deadline for cheaper phone users who mostly come from China was to buy an additional device IMEI number to be installed on the phone or they will lose the phone connection.

The consumer then Monday, November 30, 2009, gathered around the shops to buy the devices needed to install the IMEI number on their phone.

The end of last October, the government grabbed the use of prepaid mobile phone connections in the turbulent region of Kashmir. The government also uses security reasons to ban the phone connection.


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